Monday 1 February 2010


I returned from my break on the evening of Friday 22nd in time to offer the Extra Ordinary Form of the Mass. I went into church to prepare for Mass to find the carpet area near the tabernacle saturated through. When I asked my friend who was looking after the place what had happened he told me that some ruffians had stolen the lead from the roof.
Not only was the carpet by the tabernacle wet through, but the kitchen and bolier room of the parish centre were also sodden due to the ingress of water from the hole left by the missing lead (see picture).
On the Monday morning I contacted the insurance people who sent round a loss adjustor to have a look and write a report. To cut a long story short I am in the process of getting quotations to have the roof fixed. In the meantime it continues to rain...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, My lord! I'm so sorry that someone stole lead and it caused the leak. People have lost their morals I swear! Lord be with you for your work!
